Wednesday 9 May 2012

AS Graphics Exam Evaluation

My final outcomes have now been finished and I feel that it went well and I feel I was able to capture all the of the effects and techniques that I learned and had planned to put into them. I used the my research and development t the best of my ability and this should definitely have come across in the outcomes, my research of Chris Ede's style and techniques have definite had an impact on the way I went about making my outcomes even taking a lot of inspiration from two that I had analysed. I developed my previous idea that I discussed about using spray paint on the parts I did hand drawn previously in my attempts to make Chris Ede inspired pieces. Also my research into Danny Allison also paid off as analysed where i used chalk textures, I incorporated them into the tracing paper idea to create a speed effect which was inspired from my initial research and discovery of Danny Allison. From my experimentation with the spray paints I had a much better understanding of how they behaved and even to the next level combing matt with gloss and enamel spray paints to add more depth to my final pieces. using enamel spray paint did effect my tie though because of the extreme drying times and high possibility of it dripping and in turn destroying the whole piece but I used theses drying times to prepare other work using the time productively. My understanding of spray paint blending is definitely evident in my outcomes; i have blended two to four colours at a time to great effect. Overall i would say that this was a great success and compilation of ideas, research and developments leading up to a convergence of skills i have acquired along the way.

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