Thursday 8 March 2012

AS Graphics Trip

I felt that the Graphics Trip, the Hayward Gallery exhibitions was definitely geared towards my brief of illustration and therefore I found it very informative and enlighten in the types of art that can be made for illustration and actually how much thought is put into the pieces to give them such powerful messages. I found David Shringley's part to be more interesting as did most of the other students Deller's dents, i felt that his more quirky, crude stye gave him an edge and this edginess was embraced by the group. Jeremy Deller's part was in my opinion more plain and ordinary compared to David Shringley's. Jeremy Deller's use of colour is very literal and this can sometimes be boring if they images are quite straight forward to begin with. DAvid Shringley's colour usage was almost child like which appealed to us and had a sense of freedom and wittiness to it, his popularity proved that sometimes strange is more interesting.

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