Thursday 15 March 2012

In depth analysis of paper made creation by Zim and Zou

My first reaction to the work is that I think it is a very creative and expressive creation of what an ordinary object is and I like that aspect of it because I think it is more impressive to view a piece that has a twist to it or the artist has put some personality to it. The part that draws my attention the most is definitely the earth in the center because it is the main focus and the light is hitting it just right for it to be easily noticeable that it is the main part. This is a very fun and light hearted piece which you can tell from the cartoon style used such as the clouds in typical cartoon style, intentionally not adding to much realism to the piece to keep it fun. 
I think this piece represents the beauty of earth in simplistic form to make it more obvious; the colours used, arrangement of the surroundings of the earth and the lighting is what makes the representation of earths beauty even more poignant. this message may spread further to cover preserving the beauty of the earth by recycling, this can be assumed by another Zim and Zou piece on that topic in similar style. 
This type of art is paper installation where you use paper as your main or only material in a piece this is not only difficult in terms of creating solid forms but using your imagination to make something out of paper is no easy task. Zim and Zou have not only successfully made a creation out of paper but pulled it off in such a magnitude their mastery of paper has allowed them to create an environment of sorts using smaller planets and 'paper planes' with colour combinations and gradients of colour which mesh very well together to create 3D space experience.
I think they used paper to make this installation because it is impressive technically in terms of aesthetics but i think they chose paper for its texture qualities, the texture of paper is perfect for this kind of piece especially as it is 3D the thin and lightness of the paper compliments those aspects of the hanging installation.   

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