Monday 25 February 2013

In Depth Analysis of Julia Pott work

Both of theses pieces of work were designed and created by Julia Pott who is a animator, illustrator and Royal College of Art graduate with an MA in animation and resides in Brooklyn New York. She has received high commendations as she was named by Flimmaker Magazine on the 25 New Faces of Independent Film. The name of the two pieces of work are, at the top 'Here With Me' and at the bottom is called 'Kissed'. These two pieces were handmade and illustrated by Julia herself drawn with pencil and the colour was applied through a computer. the two creations were made two years apart, 'Kissed' being made in 2012 and 'Here With Me' made in 2010. These two creations were both made for personal illustration and not for one of the few independent films that Julia Pott has also been successful  with. I have chosen to analyse these particular pieces as I am about to undertake an illustration exam brief and I would like to approach the piece similarly to theses pieces.
I have found sources that have given me a deeper understanding of Julia Potts work this was through an interview that she did with inkygoodness. In this interview she gives te audience an opportunity to understand her artistic choices and how she names and approaches drawing her characters. Source. I think that the theme of most of Julia Potts's work is the illustration of more awkward moments of everyday life that are not normally talked about openly but she choses to bring them to the forefront without actually speaking about it, I think she picks up on the feelings of people that are not normally expressed openly. The style and techniques used for Julia Potts pieces is line drawing and colour illustration, and expert level of depth is used in Julia Potts pieces as depicted in each of these images. The use of colour in these images is cleverly applied as it makes sure not to distract from the focal part of the image and also allows the characters to always be the centre of attention. The two pictures represent there characters differently as in 'Kissed' it is quite a tight shot with the background scenery still involved but as an afterthought to the characters where as in 'Here With Me' its a much wider shot and the background colours and shapes are almost as important as the characters creating a setting for the charcters. In 'Here With Me' there is quite a large focus on pattern on different parts and this adds a different dimension to that piece on the other hand in 'Kissed' the focus is more on texture especially on the ground which is a intricately detailed illustration of dry land with small patches of grass also the fur of the characters is very detailed which is comprehensive of Julia Potts style.

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