Wednesday 23 January 2013

Analysis of Typography based J Cole Poster

The artwork makes me feel very calm and collected with a smooth edge is necessary when making a poster that it has some flair and an edge which can keep a passer by interested in the poster long enough to want to know what it is about. This is a typography poster for J Cole which is promoting the album coming out. The music is hip hop and a calm and smooth style and this is reflected in the type through the shapes, styles and colours used. The audience being targeted are not only people that are fans of the artist but general hip hop fans because J Cole is one of the most higher followed hip hop artist of this generation which means all hip hop fans will listen to his album. The poster has to reflect that fact so it will try to cater to all.
The typography is very reflective of the genre it is representing, and has been designed to be easily representative of the hip hop culture especially as J Cole is a highly respected hip hop artist the feel of his posters should feel very authentic.
The styles used are very aesthetically pleasing, using a spirograph technique which is in a clipping mask for bold typography. The spirograph creates a calm mood through the curves and smooth edges used. The techniques used are clipping mask and spirograph which have been merged together and work well together. The spirograph is designed and created and then placed underneath the shape that is going to use the image in this case it is J Cole typography extreme bolded to allow for a better view of the spirograph underneath. Underneath the spirograph clipping mask there is additional typography in a west coast style which is another hip hop style which is relational to the genre that J Cole delves into.
The J Cole typography is easily the largest and most poignant part of entire piece and this makes sense as it is the name of the artist the poster is promoting and is therefore the important thing on the poster. It is laid out in this way purposely to make the artist name the focal point for obvious reasons. This poster also includes the record label clearly at the bottom which is in a stand out colour and is used to represent the artists affiliation to the group as a whole. Altogether I do really like this poster, i like it because as well as covering the main concepts of a merchandising poster, it adds something new through the spirograph element which is original and interesting aesthetically. This will influence my ideas in terms of typography very much as I will know try and incorporate an abstract and different element to my typography and remember the importance when designing.

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