Why have you selected this brief?
I feel that this is the brief, which best suites the type of graphical art I enjoy and would like to develop my skills in.
What are you planning to look at for primary/secondary research?
I am planning to look at tickets from events I participated in held in Manchester and also for secondary research of train tickets from the Manchester Metrolink service and postage evidence from the internet and any other secondary sources I can get a hold of.
Which artists/designers will you be looking at?
The artists I will mainly be looking at and taking inspiration from is: Lizzie Finn, Tim Marrs, Andy Potts and Yulia Brodskaya.
What materials/techniques would you like to experiment with?
I would like to have the opportunity to do some deep experimentation with pastels because i think they give a very unique texture and depth to any piece and i would like to experiment with that.
Which outcome(s) are you planning to make?
I would like to make a set of 5 postcards because I think I could incorporate both my illustrative skills but also show a good grasp of the concept of travel buy designing the postcard aesthetics.