Wednesday 7 December 2011

CyberConnect2 Logo Analysis

1. This is the logo for the game developing company Cyberconect2 made of a green background with two c’s on one side and 2 on the other signifying the name Cyberconnect2 that is underneath

2. The target audience is all ages because the genre of games is fighting and adventure but it is an anime which as a show and manga has attracted all ages to watch and read all over the world

3. The brand is extremely successful because they have created a game for a franchise which other game developers have tried to make and been less successful, they have attracted custom from consumers who have never experienced Naruto but the games quality impressed them enough

4. I think the boldness of the text inside the background is a very good technique because it looks very authoritative which is something I would like to incorporate into my own logo design

5. The logo falls into the logo category of typo and graphic because it uses type with the graphic of the green background to make a logo and not separate media

Pictures: 1, 2, 3, 4

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