Saturday, 27 April 2013

Alison Fennell In Depth Analysis

These watercolour creations were made by an artist called Alison Fennell, a british freelancing watercolour artist. She is 47 years of age and currently resides in South Wales. She currently sells the majority of her artwork through the electronic mediums Eastwitching, UrbanMeldown and her two Etsy shops. Her main creative interests are figurative expressions of animals and humans.Alison is mostly self taught except for a 6 month period where she learnt from Arnold Lowrey. Alison captures immense amounts of detail and emotion through a artistic medium most would say is one of the harder mediums to do so this is accomplished through her talent at applying excellent tonal and colour contrasts. Alison has had artwork published by a greetings card company called Beechwood Publications and has had her children's book illustrations In the Morning which she also co-authored.

I will definitely be using Alison's work as inspiration for my own watercolour outcomes a I feel her style is the kind I find will suit my project best and I feel her style is the best I have found. In my experimentation there will be obvious reference to how I have been inspired, I will take on board her blending techniques and apply that to my colour blending technique going forward. Alison hopes that her intense and emotion filled depictions of animals will change the mind state of the world on the importance of animals in society and the world. She tries to make her representations of the animals seem as life like and relatable through gestures and mannerisms as possible with a hope that people will appreciate the humanity of the animals in the long run. Her main aim wich also relates to the meaning of her creations is to raise awareness of animal protection. Through selling her creations she supports many international charities which support her cause. Alison finds focus and inspiration from self developing and creativity books.

I personal find Alsion's creations enchanting and her colour choices are the element o find the most interesting as she finds a balace of light and dark colours and tones which keeps her paintings vibrant but authentic. Alison's work caught my particularly because the majority of her work is of animals which is a important focus in my exam and I was instantly inspired by her depiction of animals. It also gave me a very good example on how to go about my own watercolour paintings of animals.

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