Thursday 15 November 2012

Prototype Experimentation

This is my prototype much which served as a tester product to determine what changes in materials, print quality, and image editing were necessary. Examples of changes made are that on the prototype I printed my designs onto two pieces of standard paper and stuck them on to card which made it hard to bend intricately and also allowed a lot of problems with air bubbles under the paper on both sides. There were also issues with the quality of print when printed onto the paper and even when tested on the glossy paper the full detail of all components on the images was not very well represented which led to my decision to pay for professional printing straight on to A1 photo paper for the best print and image quality possible. Also, the margins that I set for folding between images on the surface design were far too small which was evident even from the scaled down version so I made the changes to the design so that there was adequate space to fold.

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